I haven't done a moon oracle in awhile. I already had two witchy events scheduled for this Full Moon (a spell and a Full Moon Oil brewing), so while I was in the moony spirit, I went ahead and did a tarot pull as well last night.
I asked what energy would be waning in the next two weeks. Drawing from the Major Arcana of the Dreaming Way Tarot, I pulled The Emperor.
The Emperor is the male counterpart to The Empress. Together, in the tarot deck, they represent leadership roles in their respective elements:
• Male/Female
• Masculine/Feminine
• Father/Mother
• Yang/Yin
• Thinking/Feeling
• Logical/Creative
• Facts/Intuition
• Structure/Flow
• Left Brain/Right Brain
• Aggressive/Receptive
For the next two weeks, masculine energy will be waning, so feminine-led energies should be welcomed.
Lead from the heart. Trust your feelings. Listen to your intuition.
Over the past week or so, I have embarked on several new projects. My mind has been scattered all over the place, a theme that has also made itself manifest in my surroundings. The Virgo Full Moon is a great time to organize and clear clutter. So that is what I did with my day today. I cleared space so that I can enjoy more clarity in my life and mind. From this clearer space, I can be more free to listen to my internal guidance.
The Emperor energies are waning, fading, lessening over the next two weeks. It's not the time to adhere to rigid structures or rules or left brain perspective.

Release the masculine + honor the feminine this waning moon cycle!
For the next two weeks, it's a beautiful time to:
♥ Listen to the inner stirrings of your heart.
♥ Act on intuitive hits.
♥ Trust your gut.
♥ Honor your feelings.
♥ Go with the flow.
♥ Let your heart lead.
♥ Be creative.
♥ Be open.
♥ Be receptive.
Not wasting a moment on this oracle's advice, I immediately signed up for The Darling Tree's Unicorn Project, which begins March 1st. The timing was too perfect to pass up!
Ask yourself in what way will you release the masculine and honor the feminine in your world over the next two weeks?