Apr 24, 2017
Tarot Spread: Law of Attraction
I first created this spread back in 2009 on my previous blog. Last night I updated it and added a card. Previously it was a 3-card reading. I added an extra card to the beginning of the spread. (Past - Current Status - Action - Result)
1. At what level has my recent past vibe been? (What am I living now as a result of past vibes?)
2. What is my current vibe? (What am I attracting to me now?)
3. How can I raise my vibration to the next level?
4. What can I create/attract when I raise my vibration to this level?
Here's the reading I did last night (see the cards in the above image):
1. At what level has my recent past vibe been? (What am I living now as a result of past vibes?)
Ten of Cups
Contentment. A life at home with my kids. When I have everything I need to survive, I tend not to strive for more. I get comfortable with life as it is, as long as there is nothing insanely disruptive happening. It usually takes a Tower moment to get me to expand into something more. I love that I have been able to be at home with my kids and unschool them so we can all be together. It's what I've always wanted more than anything. So I realize that I haven't been vibing as low as I thought I was.
2. What is my current vibe? (What am I attracting to me now?)
Two of Pentacles
I am vacillating back and forth between my new-found high vibe flying, and my normal daily mundane way of looking at things. I have to keep reminding myself to vibe higher. But this at least is progress, because normally I wouldn't even remember that I want to vibe higher. So I should begin to start seeing things balancing out more... I should start seeing the fruit of my labor (if you can call being happy on purpose "labor"). I won't see a huge change right away, as the results will reflect the effort, which is a little bit here, a little bit there.
3. How can I raise my vibration to the next level?
Seven of Wands
When those negative thoughts and feelings start inching their way into my day, I need to be vigilant in keeping them at bay. I love how this guy is literally above the wands, naturally being in a higher vibe place than the attackers. When I notice a negative feeling or thought, I must acknowledge it and take control. Not let it bring me down to its level. Gradually I will become higher and higher, and further and further away from the negative intrusions. I will be in control of my reactions and feelings, rather than being a slave to them. I must choose how I want to feel. Eventually this will be my habitual way of living.
4. What can I create/attract when I raise my vibration to this level?
The Devil
When I turned this card over in this position, I heard in my head "wicked mastery". I don't know if I have ever looked at this card before from the devil's position. But that's how I saw it. I can be in control of my demons (negative thoughts/beliefs), taking the reins, instead of being the subservient one. All the power of my life can be in my own hands! What a novel idea! It's the very theme I was getting to at the end of the previous card's interpretation.
Good stuff! This is a reading that can be done on a regular basis, to check in with where you are and make adjustments to raise your vibe!
© This is my original spread creation. If you use it on your blog/website/insta/etc., please credit me and link back to this spread page on my blog. Tag me on Instagram: @thebohemianess . Thank you!
This spread was originally published, in a slightly different format, on my previous blog (Tarot Dame) on 9/6/09. The sample reading was added April 2017.
Deck: Vivid Journey Tarot by Jessica Alaire, published by Llewellyn.