Oct 28, 2016
Lifting the Veil - An Otherworldly Halloween Spread
It is said that Halloween is the night where the veil between our physical world and spiritual worlds is thinnest. I designed this spread to allow different spiritual entities to share whatever message they have this night. Feel free to adapt the layout to include other entities of your choosing (or remove ones you don't desire to contact.)
Lifting the Veil - An Otherworldly Halloween Spread
Layout Position:
1. Message from the Dead (Human spirit)
2. Message from your Spirit Guide
3. Message from your Guardian Angel
4. Message from an Ascended Master
5. Message from the Nature Spirits
6. Message from the Faeries
7. Message from the Animals
8. Message from the Magical Creatures
9. Message from the Dream World
I will personally be using a different deck for each position, utilizing decks that fit each essence.
Additional notes:
Position 1 (Message from the Dead) will most likely be a message from someone you personally know who has passed on, though I suppose it's possible to receive a message from someone you've never met. But in my experience, Halloween is a time where deceased loved ones reach out.
Position 9 (Message from the Dream World) is one that I placed in the center of the reading, as dreams often serves as a bridge between the physical (bottom cards) and spiritual (top cards).
Happy Halloween!!!
2009 Update: The reading I did with this spread on Halloween night proved to be very insightful, terribly honest and helpful. I don't have the time to post such a long reading right now, but thought I'd share which decks I used for each position, and the card I drew, along with a few quick notes.
The message from the dead was very clearly my grandfather. I found it fascinating that I drew three "Seven" cards, since I think of the number seven as being mystical, and this was a spiritual based reading. I drew the Seven of Cups twice, greatly deepening the message for me to make a decision and move forward instead of floundering. And the next day my son found a beetle in the car, iridescent green just like the one in the Seven of Cups I drew from the Animal-Wise Tarot! So that was yet another Seven of Cups moment for me. There was a lot of advice for me in several of the cards regarding getting out in nature more, and avoiding conflict.
It was fascinating how the cards played off each other, as none of the cards stood alone. I wrote my reading down in my notebook and drew lines connecting all the various cards in different ways. Every card connected to at least one other. This is definitely a spread I will use again.
1. Message from the Dead (Human spirit) - Legend: Arthurian Tarot (Seven of Swords)
2. Message from your Spirit Guide - Sacred Art Tarot (Five of Swords)
3. Message from your Guardian Angel - Saints & Angels Oracle (Stress Management)
4. Message from an Ascended Master - Ascended Masters Oracle (Green Man)
5. Message from the Nature Spirits - Tarot of Trees (Seven of Cups)
6. Message from the Faeries - Faeries' Oracle (Ffaff the FFooter)
7. Message from the Animals - Animal Wise Tarot (Seven of Shapeshifters/Cups - Beetle)
8. Message from the Magical Creatures - Fantastical Creatures Tarot (The Moon - Unicorn)
9. Message from the Dream World - Dream Inspirational Cards (Rain)
© This is my original spread creation. If you use it on your blog/website/insta/etc., please credit me and link back to this spread page on my blog. Thank you!
This tarot spread was originally published on my previous blog (Tarot Dame) on 10/31/09.