Suckage and Excellence Spread
1. What I suck at
2. Why it doesn't matter
3. What I excel at
4. Why this matters
5. Why "What I'm Great At" is more important than "What I Suck At".
What I suck at and why it doesn't matter:

1. What I suck at
Queen of Wands
Ha! So true. The Queen of Wands has dynamic energy and loves to be the center of attention, the life of the party, feeding off the energy of other people and thriving on the attention. That is definitely not me. I see the woman in this card, conjuring up something magical. For some reason, I saw her as giving a demonstration to students. I am not comfortable with public speaking or getting up in front of a large group of people, all eyes on me. I do wish sometimes that I were more like this queen, that I were more comfortable with the attention, but it's not in my nature.
2. Why it doesn't matter
Six of Cups
This card is full of children. I am with my kids literally all the time. I don't need to be the dynamic and showy Queen of Wands around them. They love me just the way I am. My life is about family, so I don't have the need to scream "Look at me!" to everyone around me. I have a low key life which suits me beautifully.
What I excel at and why this matters:

3. What I excel at
Two of Cups
I am great at following my heart and finding the things in life that I click with. I know what work s for me, I know what I'm drawn to, and because I'm true to myself and what I love, I am able to live out many of my dreams on a daily basis. This card also reminded me that I am very affectionate and loving.
4. Why this matters
Ace of Cups
It's all about love. When you are true to yourself and love what you are doing, it doesn't matter what other people think. All that matters is living life with love.

5. Why "What I'm Great At" is more important than "What I Suck At".
The skeleton woman in this card asked of me, "When you are dead, do you want people to remember your flashy leopard mini skirt or your loving heart?" Now, I don't have a leopard mini, but her skirt was representative to me of the Queen of Wands vs. the heart on her chest relating to the Two of Cups. So yeah, living my life with love and following my heart are not only important to me now, they are also attributes I want to be remembered for when I'm gone. So this is why the love in my life is more important than being more like the Queen of Wands, which now I'm not so bummed that I suck at. And that was the whole point of the reading!
Deck: Transformational Tarot by Arnell Ando, published by US Games Systems, Inc.
© This is my original spread creation. If you use it on your blog/website/insta/etc., please credit me and link back to this spread page on my blog. Thank you!
This spread was originally published on my previous blog (Tarot Dame) on 8/21/09.